Spiritual Memoir Mentoring
For writers and non-writers alike
Allowing a new picture to form, from the puzzle pieces of your life ‘story.’

It’s a messy but miraculous transitional era, that we’re living in. So much more spiritual and emotional freedom is possible for us these days, as frequencies rise and the so-called veil of forgetfulness lies in tatters.
Now is the time, like never before, for opening up our personal ‘story’ to the light. Collectively and individually, the ties that bind us to our old, limiting interpretations of life—our baggage stories—are now so tenuous and frayed, that tugging on them gently, mindfully, can loosen those bonds in genuinely helpful ways.
One of the most powerful but gentle ways I know of for doing just that, is through the illuminating process of writing spiritual memoir.
Writing my own first book of spiritual memoir ( Long Time No See) completely transformed my understanding of my own life’s journey. The process of fashioning a memoir caused me to assemble all of those randomly disconnected puzzle pieces–something I’d never done before.
To my astonishment, what emerged was a beautiful, respect-worthy and rather luminous picture of my own life. Quite the opposite of the self-image I’d held for 50 years. The many forms of gentle healing that unfolded as a result, were profound.
What I’m describing here is entirely possible to do on your own. (I did it solo, so I know.) If you’re inclined to go it alone, all you need to get started is a pen and the willingness to see everything anew. But speaking for myself…if I’d only had a mentor at the time to show me the way, I probably could’ve shaved at least a year, and a truckload of deer-in-headlights bewilderment, off the 3 year writing and editing process.
Therefore: In these pivotal times, I wish to help facilitate the enormously valuable memoir journey, for anyone who resonates with what I’m describing, but who doesn’t want to tread this path entirely alone.
That includes anybody who wants to write an actual book of memoir (spiritual or otherwise)—or anybody who just wants to write it all down for themselves in carefully curated fashion, so that the puzzle pieces land in a new way.
Individualized 60 minute Spiritual Memoir Mentoring sessions
By phone (via Telegram)
How it works:
Before we meet, you’ll start by writing your quick summarized version, between 1 and 5 pages long, of a single event from your ‘story.’ Bring it with you to the first session.
I’ll read aloud what you’ve written, and advise you on style and structure from a memoir-writing perspective. And then together we’ll feel into the higher wisdom viewpoint of that same event. At the end of a session I’ll assign the appropriate homework – which may be written, or in certain cases something more akin to a meditation.
The pace of work is up to you – go as fast or as slow as you choose. There’s no set curriculum, come back for as many or as few sessions as you feel you need. You’re in charge.
OR…come to the farm for an immersive Memoir Writing Weekend.
It’s a deep dive into the art and craft of writing spiritual memoir, with a special emphasis on shaping your overall story structure. The curriculum is entirely personalized, with a clear focus on letting higher wisdom illuminate your life’s story.
The details:
Sleeping arrangements – We can house 1-3 people in comfort; you’ll take all your home cooked meals in a farmhouse kitchen. (Dietary needs, if explained in advance, will be happily accommodated.) Cozy daytime writing spaces are available for all, and a big ‘half wild’ garden is nextdoor, for quiet strolls and contemplation.

No set price.
It’s my desire that no one is left behind, who genuinely wants to engage in this potentially life-altering work. Therefore, memoir mentoring assistance is offered to all, on a sliding scale/donation basis.
As a guideline…My ordinary 1 hour phone session rate would be $75 US, (or £60 GBP). You are welcome to give me less than that if you need to, or more than that if your heart (and your wallet) say yes. Whatever amount you choose to offer in return for the gift of my assistance, will be accepted with gratitude.
For a weekend on the farm with all meals included, there are out-of-pocket costs associated with making your stay comfortable and satisfying. Nevertheless, this, too, is offered from my heart, at no set price.
As a guideline…If this were a more typical weekend retreat workshop, the meals and accommodation would be set at somewhere around $125 US per night x 2 nights, (or £100 GBP x 2 nights). The intimately personalized memoir workshop content would be set at around $300 US, (or £240 GBP). Typical total price: $550 US (or $440 GBP).
As I said above in the session pricing section, you are very welcome to give me less than that if you need to, or more than that if your heart (and your wallet) say yes. Whatever amount you choose to offer in return for the gift of my assistance, will be accepted with gratitude.
Interested? Contact me and let’s get started.