Here’s another piece that didn’t make the final edit. This was originally the last story in the book, until something came along that I liked better.
Interestingly, this one mentions my next book, which I just started writing yesterday…
A spontaneous prayer in the middle of the night:
I will trust more and take the next step in faith, whatever that next step may be.
Leave words behind when you listen to my Voice.
Note: For more than a year now, I’d been hearing Spirit not as an audible Voice inside my head (“When you’re ready, you’ll write books,” were the last words actually “spoken aloud”) but instead in much richer, broader, more abstract concepts. Whole ideas were presented at once, complete with references to my own experience so I’d grasp the specific, along with the general meaning.
But as these concepts came into my mind, I automatically searched for the most accurate words I could find to express them, and compulsively put both my silent questions and Spirit’s abstract answers into common English. I did this to make sure I understood everything about the message being conveyed, but also to ensure I’d be able to recall the conversation afterward. I have a notoriously Swiss-cheesy memory* and I was afraid these precious communiqués would slip right out of my mind if I didn’t nail them down into human language while they were fresh.
*Kids, don’t do drugs.
Spirit had asked me several times recently to try to hear without shoehorning the communication into words, but I had yet to take the request seriously. I did remember how glorious it felt to communicate without language during that Dinnertable Awakening so long ago, but that time I was a passive sightseer. A tourist. It seemed awfully scary to consciously choose wordless communication now as an authentic state of being.
This is your next step in faith and trust. Put your ego mind aside and bring only your awareness into our exchanges; trust that I know your questions before you ask them. And have faith that My answers will stay within your mind until all need for questions and answers has been transcended forever.
Do this and notice the difference it makes. At first it will feel as though you’ve ‘lost’ your communication channel, but the opposite is actually the case; abstract thought is what you are in truth, so your attempt to return to this form of thinking will actually help remove another of the blocks that keep your communication channel narrow. In truth, limitless communication is what you are – there is no boundary or channel.
To the degree that you are able to allow your obsessive need for language to recede, your ability to hear and understand Me will deepen and become more profound.
Think back to those earlier days when you first began the Barbara Brennan meditations intended to connect you with your “guides”. At that time, you were able to receive only visual symbols, remember? You knew you were obsessively grabbing these images and forcing interpretations onto them, so eventually you stopped doing that of your own accord.
And at first, without those habitual egoic efforts at jumping the gun, you were unable to see any images at all and it seemed as if you’d lost all ability to communicate. But you didn’t lose it, did you?
“No. Definitely not.”
This will be the same. Trust in Me. Let yourself fall into the abstract unknown and I promise I will catch you.
“I believe you. And I’ll do my best, really I will. But what about writing books? How will I be able to relay your words if I’m not putting any of what you say into words?”
Just trust in Me. When the time comes for the next book, you’ll know what to write and how to write it. But you needn’t worry about that right now. That’s a long way off.
“Yes, of course. The next book is a long way off. But what about this book? How do I write the rest of this one?”
My love, you just finished it.
5 Replies to “More postcards from the cutting room floor”
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Thank you for including this ‘cutting floor’ piece in your blog. It is so clear and so helpful. The last line is so precious.
Words…how hilarious!
Now I can begin your book, but ego has been upset by all the Truth I just read here. So a little more delay is allowed. HS keeps pace with where I think I am in the dream. Thanks for your patience as I go with the flow. Now we go, girls! 😉
Oh and my spiritual spouse is enjoying your blog, too. Hurray for both genders and even those who refuse to be one or the other! Ha 🙂 All is choice. All is Love. Peace, chica!
Hi Carrie,
Can you tell me where to find more information about the seminar with Nouk and Tomas, and how to sign up?
Thanks, Tim
Hi Tim,
Sorry about that, the Nouk & Tomas seminar has been removed from the schedule. If you’re on my mailing list (add your email address at the bottom of the “Events” page on my website) you can be kept updated whenever there are new events coming up.
Reading this reminded me, with a chuckle, about when Spirit was trying to move me from communicating through words to abstract communicating. I was told, in a dream, that I would start receiving future communication in the form of visions, instead of words. I freaked out. Due to my religious experience as a child, I took that to mean I would have to share these visions with the world, and for an introvert, that is a terrifying thought. I resisted initially, but after a couple of weeks of receiving no communication, I was so miserable I was willing to stand on a street corner and share my visions if that is what it took to be able to hear again. As it turned out, the “visons” were only for me. Vision was the only word I had available in my mental dictionary to explain the experience of Spirit giving me an instantaneous download of information into my mind to answer some question, or to be given information to help me with my growth. Initially, I still felt the need to translate it into words, but over time, I became comfortable with just leaving it as it came to me, with the exception of when I would occasionally try to share it with someone else. I rarely met anyone I felt would be interested, but when I did, and I tried to share, I found it quite difficult to find the words to adequately convey the meaning of what I had experienced. You do a fine job of sharing yours, keep up the good work.
Thanks Gloria! Yes, it’s hard to get a handle on all the possible ways of communicating & receiving information, isn’t it. I’m still learning about all the subtle ways to do it (and have much more to learn about it still), & it’s years after that ‘no more words’ conversation now. 🙂