Adventures in One-derland Part 2 – Go ask Alice

So last time we talked about the discomfort and difficulty of trying to join in Oneness. That every attempt feels like spiritual suicide at first; like complete loss of self.

Well I guess that’s because it is complete loss of self. Or, more accurately, the complete willingness to leave the self behind forever.

So why would anybody want to do that?

Oh, so many reasons. Because Oneness is our true state. Because the state of Oneness also contains infinite love, eternal peace and perfect joy. You’ve no doubt heard all these things many times before, from far wiser and more learned people than me.

But wait! There’s more. This is the part that people don’t talk about nearly as often: Attempting Oneness is better than any drug you can name. Even the smallest willingness to surrender to Spirit and join just a little with ‘other’ minds brings about a truly amazing high unlike any other. And (I don’t know this part first hand, of course, but it’s hearsay from a very trusted Source) – once that joining is fully accomplished by an awakened mind, it’s way better than sex.

This is what Spirit had to say on the subject of joining and sex (as quoted in my book):

Sex is a kind of joining; indeed it’s the only kind of joining that you can experience within the 3-D world of form. Sexual union between bodies isn’t real, you know, yet it serves a useful purpose as a symbol to help you understand this concept of joining and Oneness. Sexual joining is nothing, yet true joining is more wonderful than you can imagine.

True joining (which can only be accomplished by the mind) is eternal love and ecstasy; contained within that ecstasy is a perfect memory of Self, a certainty of home, of freedom, of limitless innocence and complete joyous fulfillment. Words can’t describe how magnificent is the joined state of Oneness.

Sex, the illusory union of bodies, is the small and impoverished echo of joining that you allowed the ego mind to devise as a substitute for the real thing. Although you find it difficult to believe this right now, it’s impossible to describe just how worthless is the “joy” of sex. Once you truly understand what real joining is, you’ll never remember what you thought you saw in it.

So let’s recap.

The bliss, the profound peace and happiness that comes from even the tiniest glimpses of Oneness, is like the best drug ever but without the hangover. This I can vouch for personally, having experienced it many times. It’s awesome. And legal. And free. Ecstasy without the Xtacy.

And, as Spirit assures us, joining in Oneness is like sex, only a million billion times better. The Infinite Neverending Joygasm.

So the question becomes: Who wouldn’t want that?

I’m not saying it’s easy to get there from here. Remembering Oneness still seems damned difficult to me, and there are no guarantees any of us will awaken to Oneness in this lifetime.

But, given the rewards, you’d think a hell of a lot more people would be trying to.

One Reply to “Adventures in One-derland Part 2 – Go ask Alice”

  1. Yeah, I would agree that the INJ (Infinite Neverending Orgasm) is a good way to describe it. I have only had about ten of such moments and the first time was the longest experience of it. I did not know what it was then and only until reading ACIM did I find a passage that described it. Eureka. Now knowing that it is True Joining makes so much sense. And I do believe that I will be feeling it much more often…only because I have been giving my little willingness to Holy Spirit and opening up to it without that old fear. Bah humbug ego fear…which is only illusion.
    Thanks for putting this into words for me, Carrie.
    You flow, girl! 🙂

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