Sedona’s spiritual communicators – (direct conduits to Spirit)

It’s true that Sedona’s vortex energy exerts a big influence on me, making it much easier to absorb messages from Spirit.

But in the interest of full disclosure, I should tell you that I really don’t do it alone. I’m blessed to have others who act as very powerful spiritual conduits for me.

One Sedona resident in particular does this for me in the most profound way imaginable. Fran and I first met when she came and found me at my house – which is nowhere near Sedona, by the way. As we sat chatting in my dining room, she facilitated an event that is now known as the Dinnertable Awakening of 2005. It marked the end of life as I had known it, and the beginning of another.

This is the description of Fran from my book. The conversation begins immediately after the awakening:

“What is it you do, exactly?” I inquired faintly, wishing I could go lay down.

She hesitated. “It’s hard to explain. All I can tell you is: I know I’ve done this many times before; I always go first; and I’m very good at what I do.”

I nodded. I had no idea what she was talking about. Then, as if this would clarify things, she made an infinity symbol with her hand, beginning the loop at herself, sending it out towards me and then back to herself.

“I do this.”

“Uh huh,” I said.

Fran confessed then that she’d been delaying the launch of her company for months—years, even—afraid to set up her website for precisely this reason. She felt it was completely beyond her ability to describe or explain the spiritual experience to anyone. To put that which transcends words into words.*

“Oh! Piece of cake,” I said, “I’ll help you write your website. That’s what I do.”

She looked at me as if I had just offered to lasso the moon.

And so began a most unusual collaboration. Our relationship is not quite client /vendor, not exactly teacher/disciple; nor are we precisely friends or sisters, although it holds elements of each of those. Fran’s description comes closest: Bookends. Opposites in nearly every way, yet two indispensable halves of one mystical whole.

(*Now after a few years of seeing her in action, I can better describe for you what Fran “does” when she takes people on her InnerVision journeys.

Like most deeply gifted spiritual intuitives, she’s sensitive in a variety of ways; information and experiences are seemingly always coming at her from all directions. She might surprise you with a message from your dead uncle Phil, for instance. She’s also a synchronicity magnet, routinely drawing profound spiritual connections into her life, which then manifest as divine coincidence in the physical world.

These are useful talents to be sure, but there is another way in which Fran is of invaluable service to others: She is able to receive messages from the highest Self of the person she’s with, then tap into her own aspect of that same highest Self to relay the messages back to the person in the manner most appropriate to him or her.

Here’s what that InnerVision thing feels like when she does it for me: It’s as if a vast, mighty bridge opens up to another realm, and then waits in patient non-judgment while I decide whether or not to cross. Most of the time I accept the invitation to cross that bridge, and whenever I do, it’s an absolutely awesome experience.)

Fran is brand new to the Twittersphere; I’m sure she’d love to hear from you. If you’re on Twitter and you’d like to get to know her, go introduce yourself @innervision12.

And be sure to say hi for me.

2 Replies to “Sedona’s spiritual communicators – (direct conduits to Spirit)”

  1. dear fran:
    i don’t know if you know joe wolfe who lives in chicago.
    but he’s a friend of mine, i met him two years ago at the
    course house, on upper red rock loop roadin sedona.
    i am origianlly from the east coast, the bronx, wher ei was born jewish…
    he sent me an email and said he had just read your book,
    i saved it for awhile and i was in a desperate funk yesterday….
    i called out, forgot to ask holy spitit for help…but must have prayed for something, because this morning,
    i wnt back to his email and started looking for your writings. so i went to the site and began with your interviews and then the jazz singer baraba, then the photos and lo an behold you’ve been in sedona. and i was there until april14th, i spend winters there, and have even bought a prefab cheapish to go to…etc. sorry i missed you…
    somebody did a workshop with jerry jampolsky, maybe you were off doing an innervsion with fran.
    i’ve studied course in miracles for over 29 years, in rockport where it began m but had the best teaching with ken wapnick at a one day workshop at brandeis u.
    your booklist is my booklist, your journey is similar to my journey filled with lots of guilt along the way…as i transitioned…to a christ consciousness, interpsersing my readings. when i began, almost at the same time as ACIM, studying tibetan buddhism, after reading sogyal rinpoches’ Tibetan Book of living and dying’…thought i was a buddhist,etc. then
    I am gong through your website, would like to meet with you and/or attend a workshop, don’t know if i can make
    the west coast, but maybe we can have a workshop here.
    i live in cape ann on the beautiful atlantic ocean.
    our group is no longer…but i continue on my own until the winter when i go back to sedona and meet with my
    ‘holy family’ five days a week from 8:30 a.m. until 11 a.m.
    please contact me….
    elizabeth enfield p.o. box 66 rockport ma. 01966
    cel 786/282/2434
    love and blessigns to you, and you book list is the same as mine, except for the last deepak book and the viera book, which i intend to read and i am going to email joe wolfe right now and thank him…my book shelf is heavy with lots of found, lawnsaled, bought books, i always intended to read, but want to donate or give to the library for their sales…i just attended regina dawn akers workshop on the new testament interpretations….and visited a few of the meetings of acim on the south shore ( of boston area)…on and on and on…….THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! for the reinforcement, have had only one mystical experience, lots of insights, and enlightenments, the other dimension keeps me in the faith, i work on surrender and always FORGIVENESS. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE, GOTTA stop reading and practice….. dear one……e.e.

    1. hello, dear one, thank you for reaching out & telling me about all this. Yes, I do know Joe Wolfe, he’s a lovely man. I do get to Sedona now & then, and will probably be doing some things there within the next few months. I haven’t yet planned any east coast workshops, but who knows what’s in store? I go where I’m led. you may want to get on my email list, there’s an occasional newsletter that would list events and locations. That way If I’m headed anywhere near your neck of the woods, you’ll know.
      bless you & thanks,

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